Exposed by
Charlotte's Menaces,
Chop Shop Activity,
Charlotte has an outrageous amount of violent repeat offenders. I have taken the liberty of posting the public information of these hard-boiled criminals. I would like give a special thanks to the Mecklenburg County Sheriff's Department for allowing public access to their inmate information.
This website is to help victims to possibly identify
their suspects. We need to pull together as a community to get these criminals
off of the streets, and away from our neighborhoods and schools. Please feel
free to check out these violent criminals. Most of them have been arrested for
the same offense within the past two years. I am a Charlotte native that has
seen the best and worst of Charlotte grow. Within the past five years a new
generation has invaded our community. We have inherited violent gangs,
murderers, robbers, thieves, and punk thugs. They are taking over our streets,
comfort zones, and vandalizing our businesses. I am tired of it! We need to take
back our lives, and get these criminals out of our society.
An Incentive to Stay Out of Jail
So our prisons are not working! They’re overcrowded and full of corruption with guards under extreme pressure from gang intimidation etc.
Why do we carry on with what is not working? It’s not working now and it hasn’t worked for decades. Having hundreds of thousands of inmates is nothing to be proud of. Once the prison population reaches a pre-determined cut-off point the worst offenders should be given the lethal injection. Imagine the panic in the criminal world when the prison population reaches close to the cut-off number!
All you, upper-class liberal-minded, do-gooders should pull your heads in and let me spell it out for you. This is how it should be:
1) Jail should mean just that – absolute confinement.
2) A sentence handed down by a judge should be just that – no parole. Good behaviour is an expectation otherwise your sentence is increased.
3) Confinement should be just that – only an hour exercise out of the cell per day.
4) Cells open by remote control – no interaction with guards.
5) Meals should be eaten in the cell – no interaction with other prisoners.
6) Meals should be standard issue – no choice.
7) Meals delivered by computer-operated mechanism.
8) Exercise should be staggered – no congregating in groups.
9) No visitors at all – no chance of contraband handed over.
10) No TV. No radios. No cell phones – only a bare cell with a toilet and a mattress.
11) Doctor visits confined to inside the cell with one guard.
12) No ‘lifers’. If your crime is that bad then you are given the needle.
13) Poorly behaved school students will be placed on a roll by the school administration and their behaviour monitored throughout their teenage years and beyond if necessary.
If you don’t like my rules then don’t commit any crime!!!!!!!!!! It should be a ‘no-brainer’ for those contemplating a life of antisocial behaviour.
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About the Author:Retired Principal originally from England but now resident in New Zealand for the past 55yrs